Mit forløb ved Katie gav mig nye knibeøvelser og motivation og troen på, at jeg kunne få ordentligt fat forneden igen. Efter to fødsler og en operation i underlivet havde jeg meget svært ved at knibe. Katie formåede med et smil, en lethed og samtidig en forståelse for den frustrerende og irriterende situation, det var, at motivere og guide til at få gang i og fat i bækkenbundsmuskulaturen.
Hun er åben over for diverse tilgange og øvelser, og hun har en bred vifte af ideer til øvelser og træningsredskaber, som giver en tro på, at man er på rette vej. Katie fremstår som et helt menneske, der giver noget af sig selv og er med til at gøre den frustrerende og akavede situation hyggelig og motiverende.
Efter forløbet hos Katie kan jeg både i underlivet og i mit mindset mærke en positiv forandring.
Jeg kan på det varmeste anbefale et forløb hos Katie!
Three years ago, my world was turned upside down through an acute health crisis.
After 5 emergency surgeries to save my life I had a massive fistula, ruptured bowel, a colostomy bag and was missing half my small intestine. Life looked grim and my quality of life was awful.
One year later, on the exact anniversary of the day on which I had come closest to death, I had my first appointment with Katie for physiotherapy. It is without exaggeration that I can say that it was on that day that things started to turn around.
Katie thoroughly examined all my issues, correctly identified things which my surgeons had missed, clearly explained all the muscle structures that had been affected and clarified all issues which we needed to work on. Critically, Katie gave me the education, understanding, confidence and tools that I needed in order to do the work that was necessary to heal myself.
People really need to understand that physiotherapy doesn’t just happen at a single appointment once a week. It’s an ongoing process of doing the exercises and selfcare every day at home in between appointments. By teaching me and educating me on what we were doing I was able to make the most of that time between appointments.
I sit here now, after 12 surgeries, with all my remaining parts back in the correct order and with a much better quality of life than I ever imagined. Without Katie, and having the opportunity to work with her, I would never have completed the physical tests and measures that the surgeons required for me to qualify for the colostomy reversal.
There is no question or doubt about that, it is simply a fact. So, I think of Katie as my personal miracle worker who helped me get my life back.